
Sunday, May 20, 2007

School Tomorrow!

I've got the bee buzzing inside me feeling. The one which only being in a school can bring. I'll be meeting the class I've heard so much about for the first time, working with 5 other trainees for the first time and I'm going to be working with year 6 for the first time.

All the firsts are making me really excited and really nervous to. I'll be battling it out to stand out from the other 5 and try out all the exciting ideas I've spent ages planning. I've gone over the lesson plans and made sure there is a clear element of learning in there.

A book I've been reading opened my eyes and a talk about the Madeline issue and the countless number of children who are in similar situations to her, has made me realise that I've been the airy fairy 'I'm your friend,lets have loads of fun' type of trainee teacher for way to long. It really hurt when I realised this. Now however I've come to terms with it and realised I'm a trainee for a reason. I'm still learning.

My new aim is to be a teacher. In that I actually teach. I don't want to help mould another generation of sheep who follow everything they see in the media. I want to teach so that I create inspiration and motivation. Most of all I want to teach so that children become the shepard's rather then the sheep. They can think for themselves and make their own decisions. I want the children that I teach to achieve greatness and help this world out of the sorry state it's in.

Yeah, I know EXTREMELY optimistic aims for a wannabe primary teacher. Think I've been outside a classroom for too long. Hope this next placement doesn't lower my expectations to 'my aim is to get them to sit still for a lesson'

At the moment I feel abit like the cartoon pinky and the brain where every episode is to take over the world. Here it's to help change the world for the better...Insha Allah