
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

How time flies....

Wanted this blog to have some sort of record on my teaching progression but life is moving quicker then ever before. Too many things are happening which I wish I had the time to write about. Actually I wish I had a pensive like Dumbledore's in Harry Potter so that I could sieve through the hundred and one things racing around in my head and be able to relive some moments, go over some things in more detail, experience things again...hmmmm if only!!

I'll use the rest of my time on this PC wisely and put this blog to use, quick update on teaching and life:

Had to quit teaching practice a week early to go Dubai. I'm due back on Monday...I'm dreading going back. Even tho it's only been a 2weeks (week I missed plus half term) it feels like I taught a life time ago.

Dubai was brilliant. I learnt and experienced more things in this 1 week then I have in the rest of my life. (The exaggeration is very slight I really did experience and learn alot) This 1 week is the reason as to why I'm craving for a fictional and magical pensive.

Time is up
I did add some pics of dubai, they haven't appeared tho.....oh well