The behaviour problems i'm struggling with are:
- 2 hyper active kids who can not sit still. It's not just something they do in my lessons but in lessons done by the class teacher too. Admittdly it is alot more in mine then in his. I wouldn't have to much of a problem if they were just keeping to themselves and getting out of their seats but no it can't be as simple as that. The 2 of them have to go around disturbing anyone and everyone and thats the thing I can't deal with.
- A small group of boys. The 'cool' boys. Need i say anymore?
- The last one is the amount of time they taking changing activities. It takes them a good 5 to 10mins to put their books away and come and sit on the carpet.
I had to exit 2 people in the first lesson I taught. I made an example of one one of the pupils I exited to show that im not giving just empty threats, which I later felt abit guilty about. The law had to be laid tho, I guess.
When I taught during the day visit they must've thought I was doing this as a one of and gave me an easy ride. Ever since they've realised im going to be teaching them 60% of the time for the next 6 weeks without their normal teacher being there....the problems have started in bucket loads.
The first few such as the children moving about and not sitting in their correct carpet place. I dealt with. I doubt they'll ever try that one again.
Things such as 'but sir lets us...' were complty destroyed by me saying 'Well it isn't sir teaching you its me, so your going to have to stick to these rules....'
Noise levals i've been able to control by firstly trying to shout over them kinda worked but not aswell as I wanted it to. Yesterday I counted down from 10 worked abit better but I was still shouting over them as i counted down and today I used a powerpoint timer on the intractive white board....RESULT! I didn't have to do any ok i did very little amounts of shouting.
Now I need to figure out how to deal with the top 3......
Time for a cup of tea me thinks...