
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hot Fuzz

Once again should be managing my time better but having sat through a 3hour lecture and gone over some group work I think I deserve a break!

So here in pictures is what I did yesterday it has nothing to do with teaching but hey it's a good way to waste some time and LOOK like i'm working hard.

We went to the sushi bar in selfridges...

I ordered this. I also used the chopsticks...

for the 1st bite but the had to use the above...
It seems I have non of this so called aquired taste, simply because I didn't want to taste this:

or this:

or this:

I did try this sponge cake with rasberry sauce and some of the chocolate fudge tho
But the best bit about it was...

Oh and we watched Hot Fuzz - very funny and gory!

The end!