This is going to be a boring post so if you want to read something abit more interesting oh I don't know lets say something about me and 3 others watching semi clad men fighting over 'earth and water' and what happens when u run up a down escalator then proceed to this blog:
For here there shall be nothing more but a plan of what lessons we are planning to teach during the excellence and enjoyment week:
1a, 1b: 'We're going on a bear hunt'
3a: Listen to animal sounds. Can they be identified. (Starter activity)
2a: Debate about whether or not zoo's should be allowed. Courtroom style or snowballing. (Link with drama role playing in a courtroom?)
6a: Dance: Observing ways in which animals move, moving in this way. Make this in to a dance.
I'm getting bored of this, will edit at another time. Meeting with school tomorrow at 2.45pm