This one has to be done in a group of 5. We have 2 day visits before the actual placement and then we're in for a week. No core subjects are taught...its all just foundation subjects.Oh and whilst we're there we have to organise a trip which is enjoyable and produces excellent work afterwards.
Our school has a we've been told. After the meeting today with the school I'm not so sure. We had to submit ideas for the trip and creative ideas we had for lessons. I chose 'Chester Zoo' Spent the PE lecture coming up with creative lessons. Which included:
- D&T linked with Art: Make a patchwork quilt in the shape of Elmer the elephant. Each child contributes on their patch they draw/paint/scribble their fave animal.
- Art: Before the trip do drawings of animals they think they will see. Evaluate their drawing to actual animals. Include some observational drawings.
- Music: 1 of the LO's for this is to analyse sounds. A software I've used before includes animal noises. Involve puppets in some way and waa la! Pure excellence and enjoyment - for me anyway.
- PSHE: Debate weather or not animals should be kept in a zoo. Do this in a countdown style awarding points for good views etc.
Also just for this placement we have to do a presentation, an assignment and then plan every damn lesson as a group!! Someone please get me one of these: