
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The last placement

Only have one more placement left to do for this year. All based on creativity! It's just a week towards the end of June. It's also the most complicated one, not your box standard go in teach, let's see if and how well you survive.
This one has to be done in a group of 5. We have 2 day visits before the actual placement and then we're in for a week. No core subjects are taught...its all just foundation subjects.Oh and whilst we're there we have to organise a trip which is enjoyable and produces excellent work afterwards.
Our school has a budget...so we've been told. After the meeting today with the school I'm not so sure. We had to submit ideas for the trip and creative ideas we had for lessons. I chose 'Chester Zoo' Spent the PE lecture coming up with creative lessons. Which included:

  • D&T linked with Art: Make a patchwork quilt in the shape of Elmer the elephant. Each child contributes on their patch they draw/paint/scribble their fave animal.
  • Art: Before the trip do drawings of animals they think they will see. Evaluate their drawing to actual animals. Include some observational drawings.
  • Music: 1 of the LO's for this is to analyse sounds. A software I've used before includes animal noises. Involve puppets in some way and waa la! Pure excellence and enjoyment - for me anyway.
  • PSHE: Debate weather or not animals should be kept in a zoo. Do this in a countdown style awarding points for good views etc.
As you can see they all very lame. My other idea, the cheap and simple one was Manchester museum. We can pick any one of the areas there and that's enough to go on.

Also just for this placement we have to do a presentation, an assignment and then plan every damn lesson as a group!! Someone please get me one of these: